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Large Snake Spotted in Public Park is Nothing to Worry About

Large Snake Spotted in Public Park is Nothing to Worry About

In Pittsburg someone spotted a giant snake on a trail at a place called Frick Park (that’s a funny name) which triggered a bit of concern from some of the locals. Although quite large, it turned out there was little cause for alarm. Reptile specialists at the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium identified the snake as a Black Rat Snake. (Luckily someone took a picture of the snake climbing a tree)

Experts have assured the public that the species is “harmless.” Wendell Hissrich, a Pittsburgh public safety director said “We were initially concerned it may have been a boa constrictor or a python, And like alligators may have been transported to this area, become too large for a resident, and they let it go in the park.” Officials also stated “While not commonly seen in the park, this harmless species of snake is native to the area and very beneficial to the environment,” they added. “We thank the public for their interest and for helping us identify this park visitor.”

Pittsburgh Public Safety Director Hissrich noted “We will probably remove the snake and put it into a safer habitat,” . “Somewhere within the city or the county that the public doesn’t have to be worried about it and the snake can live its life.”

The lesson here is this: If you see a snake, and you can’t identify it or you aren’t qualified to handle snakes, just leave it alone. Obviously you should give it space, and just go about your business and let the snake go about his. If, however, the snake in question is really really big, you should alert the officials for two reasons.
1. there is always a possibility the snake could be dangerous to small animals or even people, and
2. It could be someones pet that decided to go for a walk and got lost and just wants to go back home.

And this particular snake might have just been out enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, minding his own business, and not hurting anyone. It is a PUBLIC park afterall.

Snakes are an essential part of our environment. They help keep our ecosystem in balance by doing a very important job. And they work their asses off doing that job. (that’s kinda funny since a snake doesn’t really have an ass)

So when it comes to snakes, be grateful for their help in making our world a better place and just leave em the hell alone! Unless it’s a Rattlesnake or Cobra or a Black Mamba. If it’s one of those you should probably run.